From The Heart: A heartfelt journey that delves deep into the essence of human spirit, emotions, relationships, personal growth,  and challenges that we all face as we navigate our lives.

Cynthia Seals Cynthia Seals


Friends can get us through some of the toughest times of our lives, we all need them but how do we know who is a friend?

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Cynthia Seals Cynthia Seals

The Dress

Life is always in session and trying to get our attention, even in humor. Be present and pay attention!

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Cynthia Seals Cynthia Seals

Words of Wisdom

Knowledge can exist without wisdom, but wisdom cannot exist without knowledge.

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Cynthia Seals Cynthia Seals


Everyone is born with purpose, it’s time to find yours.

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Cynthia Seals Cynthia Seals

The Storm!

Facing a storm can be frightening, and if you survive you will never be the same.

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