Words of Wisdom

Be A Life-Long Learner

I am a firm believer that one of the keys to life is being a lifelong learner. Becoming a lifelong learner will not only enhance your understanding of the world around you but provide better opportunities to improve your quality of life.  Lifelong learning is a process that does not have to end after you leave the classroom, make it a part of your adult life, and reap the benefits of a curious mind.   

Believe It And Achieve It

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more, or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference, and no matter what your life experience has been, it is never too late to begin anew.  Dream big and imagine the possibilities, be inspired to create and don’t be afraid to fail to ultimately succeed.  Failure is not really failure - you win some, you learn some, failure occurs when you give up. 

Perfection Isn’t Necessary

During our years of youth, so many of us strive for perfection and largely due to standards dictated by society.  The belief that if you’re not perfect means that you’re a failure, leads to unnecessary pressure and poor self-esteem which begins early in life as a child.  The older you get, the wiser you should become when it comes to recognizing that imperfections can be beautiful.  By the time you hit 40, you should know how to get over a lost love and what truly determines happiness.

Share Your Story

Share your story, someone is waiting to hear it. Don’t worry about sounding professional, sound like you. There are millions of websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate you from the rest. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now, later will take care of itself, it always does.

The Power of Self-Talk

When you were in your teens, you probably spent a lot of time being concerned about what other people thought about you.  This was certainly the case for me - I was skinny and had a funny accent, or at least that is what I was told.  I was often accused of trying to be someone that I was not, so I tried extremely hard to change people’s perspective even though I never understood how anyone could arrive at this conclusion.  I was about 30 years old before I would really become comfortable with the fact that I look like I do, talk like I talk and think as I do for God’s purpose, and the negative thoughts of others about my features were not my burden to carry.  Everyone is responsible for their own feelings and has the power to redirect their thinking to that which is positive. By this time, I was starting to become much kinder to myself, and in turn could be kinder to others and help build them up too.

To Age Is A Blessing

These days, if you read into everything content creators, musicians and others have to say about aging, you would think it a curse. I am not suggesting surrendering to the inevitable, allowing nature to take its course without putting forth your best efforts to look and feel great, but those lines and wrinkles reflect life experiences and stories of wisdom, and that is something that you can be thankful for.



The Dress

