The Storm!

One night I dreamed that I was looking out of the raised window of my 2nd floor apartment, and I saw storm clouds gathering and moving at a rapid pace in my direction. There were people standing below outside talking. I said to them look, a storm is coming, and I urged them to come inside where they would be safe. The bystanders simply looked up at me as if I had lost my mind. As the storm came closer, I stuck my head back inside and closed the window. No sooner did I get the window shut, the storm was upon us, a thick mask of gray cloud raging outside of the window. I could see the storm from the windows that surrounded my apartment, and I was certain that I was in the eye of a tornado. I began to plead with God to save me. As I was pleading for my life, a man whom I did not know and had never seen before, was suddenly sitting on the edge of my sofa; he was observing my panic state of being. Startled by the stranger, I stopped panicking and started wondering, who this stranger, how did he get in here, and why is he looking at me as if he couldn’t believe what he was witnessing - me, in a panic, pleading with God in the manner that I was.

The panic settled and then I was puzzled about the look on the stranger’s face. Without opening his mouth, he spoke to me and said---what is wrong with you, why are you pleading with God, don’t you know that you are safe with Him, for He said He will never leave nor forsake you. At this point I began to look around my apartment and saw that no pictures had fallen from the wall, no dishes were crashing to the floor, no glass was breaking, and the building was not shaken. I got up from where I was on the floor, on my knees pleading and went on with my daily chores around my apartment.

What I learn from the dream was that a storm was indeed headed my way, but it was not a storm of nature, it was life storm and one that would challenge what I believe, that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world {1John 4:4}.

Looking at the storm can be frightening, and sometimes you will feel like you don’t know which way to turn. This is why you should not focus on the storm, do only what you are equipped to do and allow God to do what He will. If you have not been through a storm, trust me you will. Ask yourself now who you will allow to be with you in a storm and choose wisely. Should you survive it, you will be forever changed. The question is, who will you be when you come out of the storm, will you be better off or worse?

What  I also learned from the dream is not to expect everyone to heed a warning, it is only your responsibility to warn them, it is up to them to listen.

Be blessed.

